In case of tied records: if it's 2 way tie we will break the tie by who beats who, if it's 3 way tie then we will have a shoot out.
USPA Shoot Out rules apply:
Tied Games - All players from each team will shoot penalty 3's (pg 61 Rule 14d)
Tied Records - 3 players from each team will shoot penalty 3's and 4's to decide the winner (USPA Tournament Conditions pg 129)
A. Tylee Farms (4,0)
B. Cat Spring (2,2)
C. San Antonio (1,3)
D. Brown Bears (2,2)
Bracket 2
E. Bad Luck & Trouble/Dunbar Capital (1,3)
F. Horsegate (1,3)
G. Latino Polo (3,1)
H. Shanghai/CW Petroleum (2,2)
Tylee Farms (6.5) def *Cat Spring (3)
10:00am @ Isla Carroll - Joe Barry
Umps: J. Sheldon / B. Middleton
3rd Man: N. Stefanakis
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Bad Luck & Trouble/Dunbar Capital (9) def *Horsegate (6.5)
11:00am @ Isla Carroll - Joe Barry
Umps: J. Sheldon / H. Bray
3rd Man: K. Plank
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
*Brown Bears (7) def San Antonio (6)
10:00am @ Wharton
Umps: M. Wroe / T. Hudspeth
3rd Man: S. Armour
Timer: K. Wroe
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
*Latino Polo (8) def Shanghai/CW Petroleum (3)
11:00am @ Wharton
Umps: M. Wroe / J. Alexander
3rd Man: M. Rahlfs
Timer: K. Wroe
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Wednesday September 30
*Tylee Farms (5) def San Antonio (1.5)
4:45pm @ Fulshear - North
Umps: J. Sheldon / J. Wright
3rd Man: J. Tasdemir
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Latino Polo (8.5) def *Bad Luck & Trouble/Dunbar Capital (7)
5:45pm @ Fulshear - North
Umps: J. Sheldon / D. Fernandez
3rd Man: A. Pepi
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Cat Spring (8) def Brown Bears (5)
4:45pm @ Fulshear - South
Umps: JW Barry / N. Cifuni
3rd Man: C. Williams
Timer: M. Villanueva
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
*Shanghai/CW Petroleum (5) def Horsegate (4)
5:45pm @ Fulshear - South
Umps: JW Barry / B. Mudra
3rd Man: W. Brown
Timer: M. Villanueva
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Sunday October 4
Shanghai/CW Petroleum (6) def *Bad Luck & Trouble/Dunbar Capital (5)
10:00am @ Wharton
Umps: J. Sheldon / P. Blake
3rd Man: W. Pepi
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
*Tylee Farms (6) def Brown Bears (4.5)
11:00am @ Wharton
Umps: J. Sheldon / C. Woodfin
3rd Man: N. Dunbar
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Cat Spring def *San Antonio (Forfeit)
10:00am @ Horsegate
Umps: JW Barry / A. Mancebo
3rd Man: F. Bayon
Timer: KC Krueger
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Horsegate (5) def *Latino Polo (3)
11:00am @ Horsegate
Umps: JW Barry / J. Barrientos
3rd Man: C. Alexander
Timer: KC Krueger
*Please bring 1 umpire horse
Wednesday October 7
Semi Finals
Bracket 1 1st place vs Bracket 2 2nd place
Tylee Farms (6) def *Shanghai/CW Petroleum (4)
4:45pm @ Fulshear - South
Umps: J. Sheldon / B. Middleton
3rd Man: J. Tasdemir
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring one umpire horse
Consolation Semi Finals
*San Antonio (5.5) def Bad Luck & Trouble/Dunbar Capital (5)
5:45pm @ Fulshear - South
Umps: J. Sheldon/ H. Bray
3rd Man: S. Armour
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring one umpire horse
Semi Finals
Bracket 2 1st place vs Bracket 1 2nd place
Latino Polo (5.5) def *Cat Spring (4)
4:45pm @ Horsegate
Umps: JW Barry / C. Bowman
3rd Man: A. Moore
Timer: A. Vial
*Please bring one umpire horse
Consolation Semi Finals
Brown Bears (5.5) def *Horsegate (5)
5:45pm @ Horsegate
Umps: JW Barry / M. Prinsloo
3rd Man: S. Prinsloo
Timer: A. Vial
*Please bring one umpire horse
Sunday October 11
Tylee Farms (8) def Latino Polo (7.5)
10:00am @ Wharton
Umps: J. Sheldon / C. Woodfin
3rd Man: N. Dunbar
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring one umpire horse
*Bad Luck & Trouble/Dunbar Capital (5) def Shanghai/CW Petroleum (4)
11:00am @ Wharton
Umps: J. Sheldon / J. Wright
3rd Man: W. Pepi
Timer: C. Middleton
*Please bring one umpire horse
*Brown Bears vs *San Antonio vs *Cat Spring
SA (5) def BB (3), BB (3.5) def CS (2), CS (2) def SA (1.5)
10:00am @ Fulshear - South
Umps: JW Barry / Sitting Player Umps (C. Bowman, J. Barrientos, D. Fernandez)
3rd Man/Timer: K. Wroe
*Please bring one umpire horse
Bad Luck & Trouble/Dunbar Capital
Nick Dunbar -.5
John Tasdemir 0
Russell Stimmel 1.5
Bryan Middleton 3
Goals -- 4
W/L Record (1,3)
Brown Bears
Will Brown -1
Chad Bowman 2
Megan Rahlfs -1
Pete Blake 2
Goals -- 2
W/L Record (2,2)
Cat Spring
Kendall Plank 0
Ray Stainback 0
Billy Mudra 3
Jose Barrientos 1T
Goals -- 4
W/L Record (2,2)
Anson Moore 0
Nick Stefanakis -1
Ariel Mancebo 1
Nick Cifuni 3
Goals -- 3
W/L Record (1,3)
Latino Polo
Felipe Bayon -0.5
Sarah Prinsloo 0
Jimmy Wright 1
Mark Prinsloo 3
Goals -- 3.5
W/L Record (3,1)
San Antonio
Cadell Alexander 0.5
John Alexander 1
Shuman Majumder -1
Daniel Fernandez 3
Goals -- 3.5
W/L Record (1,3)
Shanghai / CW Petroleum
Steven Armour .5
Tiamo Hudspeth 1
Cody Woodfin 2
Chris Williams .5
Goals -- 4
W/L Record (2,2)
Tylee Farms
Al Pepi -1
Wallace Pepi -1
Luis Echezarreta 3
Hamish Bray 3
Goals -- 4
W/L Record (4,0)