MVP: Steve Krueger, pictured with Carty & Shirley Krueger, presented by Justin Talasek from J. Talasek Homes
BPP: Salute, played by Mason Wroe, pictured with Olivia & Evelyn Wroe and Lytha Wendt, presented by Marxli Mettauer from Bentley of Houston
Final Score:
BTA/No Le Hace (10) def Horsegate/Pegasus (9)
(L to R) Kelly Beal, Steve Krueger with Carty & Shirley, Bryan Middleton, George Georgiades, presented by Justin Talasek from J. Talasek Homes
Final Score:
ML Bar Ranch/Propaganda (9) def Tonkawa/W-S (7)
(L to R) Paul Hobby, Maxi Menini, Nick Cifuni, Abby Benton
Tournament Format
- Knock out tournament
- Semifinal winners advance to finals, runners up will play the subsidiary final, the "El Jefe Cup".
Game 1: A vs C
Game 2: B vs D
El Jefe Cup Final
LG1 vs LG2
J. Talasek Homes Cup
WG1 vs WG2
A. Tonkawa/W-S (0,1)
B. BTA/No Le Hace (0,0)
Bracket 2
C. Horsegate/Pegasus (1,0)
D. ML Bar Ranch/Propaganda (0,0)
- Teams higher in the draw will choose jersey color
- Spare changes at end lines only
- All players are required to wear a helmet that passes the NOCSAE ND050 Standard Performance Specification
- All players must have USPA Dues paid
- All players must have signed a HPC release form for this year
- Anyone on horseback must wear a helmet (spareholders, grooms, etc)
- No dogs allowed at ML Bar Ranch
- Both teams need to provide 2 umpires horses each game
Friday May 13
Horsegate/Pegasus (9) def Tonkawa/W-S (7)
10:00am @ Tonkawa - Main
Umps: E. Ezcurra / K. Huddleston
3rd Man: C. Ellis
Timer: K. Krueger
BTA/No Le Hace (9) def ML Bar Ranch/Propaganda (8)
5:30pm @ New Pueblo - Upper
Umps: E. Ezcurra / K. Huddleston
3rd Man: N. Galindo
Timer: K. Krueger
Sunday May 15
J. Talasek Homes Cup
WG1 vs WG2
BTA/No Le Hace (10) def Horsegate/Pegasus (9)
5:00pm @ HPC - Farish
Umps: E. Ezcurra / K. Huddleston
3rd Man: C. Williams
Timer: E. Markell
El Jefe Cup Final
LG1 vs LG2
ML Bar Ranch/Propaganda (9) def Tonkawa/W-S (7)
5:30pm @ ML Bar Ranch
Umps: N. Galindo / B. Mudra
3rd Man/Timer: E. Tooth
BTA / No Le Hace
Kelly Beal 0
Steve Krueger 4
George Georgiades 0
Bryan Middleton 3
Handicap -- 7
Horsegate / Pegasus
Lance Stefanakis 1
Shane Rice 4
David Andras 0
Mason Wroe 4
Handicap -- 9
ML Bar Ranch / Propaganda
*Fox Benton 0
Cody Ellis 4
Paul Hobby 0
Nick Cifuni 3
Handicap -- 7
*sub: Abby Benton 0
Tonkawa / W-S
*Jeff Hildebrand 0
Jimmy Seward 3
Wesley Sinor 1
Robert Orthwein 4
Handicap -- 8
*Sub: Joe Bob Lequerica 0