MVP: Harrison Azzaro, pictured with Kelly Beal and Mike Azzaro
BPP: Optimo, played by Steve Krueger, pictured with Kelly Beal and Martin Maldonado
Final Score:
Corazon Polo Team/LWR Polo (7) def BTA (6)
(L to R) Mike Azzaro, Fabian Vela, Harrison Azzaro, JB Langlais, pictured with Kelly Beal
Final Score:
Kanthaka (6) def Patagonia Grill/T Squared Energy (5)
(L to R) Marcos Villanueva, Joao Aranha, Tiamo Hudspeth, Sylvie Kampshoff, pictured with Charlotte & Tristan Kampshoff (not pictured: Philipp Kampshoff)