Congratulations to Texas SBA on winning the 2024 Farish Cup!
MVP: Carter Nix, pictured with QR Jets, Todd Riemenschneider
BPP: Silk, played by Carolyn Stimmel, owned by Crystal Cassidy, pictured with Tammy Livingston, sponsored by Sandra Wilder from Bemer
Final Score:
Texas SBA (4) def Downtown Rotary Club (0)
MVP: Carter Nix, pictured with QR Jets, Todd Riemenschneider
BPP: Silk, played by Carolyn Stimmel, owned by Crystal Cassidy, pictured with Tammy Livingston, sponsored by Sandra Wilder from Bemer
Final Score:
Texas SBA (4) def Downtown Rotary Club (0)
Winning Team: Texas SBA
(L to R) Carter Nix, Cindy Madole, Taylor Shell, Laura Cervantes
sponsored by Texas SBA, Jamie Demericas, pictured with Todd Riemenschneider
(L to R) Carter Nix, Cindy Madole, Taylor Shell, Laura Cervantes
sponsored by Texas SBA, Jamie Demericas, pictured with Todd Riemenschneider
Welcome to the 2024 Houston Women's Polo Championship! We have 5 teams competing in the Farish Cup this year, please see the draw and schedule below!
Team announcements and Tournament Draw were held at the Tournament Kickoff Party on Sunday November 10 at 6:00pm. (details emailed to players)
Tournament Format:
Thursday Nov 14
- Teams will draw for who plays who in the semifinals
- Game 1: A vs B
- Game 2: C vs D vs E
Saturday Nov 16
- Subsidiary Finals: LG1 vs LG2 vs LLG3
- Farish Cup Finals: WG1 vs WG2
Tied Match Games
If teams end their game in a tie, then the tie will be broken with a shootout:
-- 1 player, alternating teams, will shoot Penalty 3s. After all players have hit, the team with more points is declared the winner. Should a tie remain, ALL PLAYERS will hit again, until a winner is declared.
Round Robin Rules
The winner of the Round Robin is the team with the best won-lost record.
- A win will count as 2 points
- A tie will count as 1 point
- A loss will count as 0 points
In the event of a won/lost tie at the end of the Round Robin, the order of finish will be determined using the following method:
1. Based on net goals
2. If net goals are inconclusive, then gross goals
3. Lastly, if both net goals and gross goals are inconclusive then teams will follow the “shoot out” procedure
- Shootout procedure: 1 player from each tied teams will shoot penalty 3s only.
- All players are required to wear a helmet that passes the NOCSAE ND050 Standard Performance Specification
- Games will be played on the flat
- All players must have USPA Dues paid
- All players must have signed a HPC release form for this year
- Anyone on horseback must wear a helmet (spareholders, grooms, etc)
- Dogs on leashes at all fields please!
Note: *HPC reserves the right to modify teams in case of last-minute substitutions before Thursday games. The Host Tournament Committee will schedule and assign fields for all tournament games. The HTC will do their best to uphold the draw but reserves the right to modify the draw and schedule in the case of inclement weather or where deemed in the best interest of the tournament by the HTC. Teams may be required to travel to alternate fields in the case of inclement weather.
Semifinal 1:
A. deBoulle (0,1)
B. Downtown Rotary Club (1,0)
Semifinal 2:
C. Bailey Law Firm (0,1)
D. Texas SBA (1,0)
E. Douglas Elliman (0,1)
Thursday November 14
Semifinal 1
Downtown Rotary Club (6) def deBoulle (0)
1:00pm @ HPC - Farish Field
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Semifinal 2 - Round Robin
Texas SBA def Bailey Law Firm def Douglas Elliman
TXSBA (1) def BLF (0)
BLF (2) def DE (1)
TXSBA (2) def DE (1)
2:00pm @ HPC - Farish Field
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Round Robin starts in the order as listed
Winner of the first two chukkers sits
Saturday November 16
Subsidiary Finals Round Robin
deBoulle vs Bailey Law Farm vs Douglas Elliman
BLF (4) def DEB (0)
DE (4) def DEB (0)
DE (1) def BLF (0)
10:00am @ HPC - Flanders
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Round Robin starts in the order as listed
Winner of the first two chukkers sits
Texas SBA (4) def Downtown Rotary Club (0)
11:30am @ HPC - Flanders
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Farish Cup Trophy Presentation for ALL TEAMS
12:30pm @ HPC - Flanders
Team announcements and Tournament Draw were held at the Tournament Kickoff Party on Sunday November 10 at 6:00pm. (details emailed to players)
Tournament Format:
Thursday Nov 14
- Teams will draw for who plays who in the semifinals
- Game 1: A vs B
- Game 2: C vs D vs E
Saturday Nov 16
- Subsidiary Finals: LG1 vs LG2 vs LLG3
- Farish Cup Finals: WG1 vs WG2
Tied Match Games
If teams end their game in a tie, then the tie will be broken with a shootout:
-- 1 player, alternating teams, will shoot Penalty 3s. After all players have hit, the team with more points is declared the winner. Should a tie remain, ALL PLAYERS will hit again, until a winner is declared.
Round Robin Rules
The winner of the Round Robin is the team with the best won-lost record.
- A win will count as 2 points
- A tie will count as 1 point
- A loss will count as 0 points
In the event of a won/lost tie at the end of the Round Robin, the order of finish will be determined using the following method:
1. Based on net goals
2. If net goals are inconclusive, then gross goals
3. Lastly, if both net goals and gross goals are inconclusive then teams will follow the “shoot out” procedure
- Shootout procedure: 1 player from each tied teams will shoot penalty 3s only.
- All players are required to wear a helmet that passes the NOCSAE ND050 Standard Performance Specification
- Games will be played on the flat
- All players must have USPA Dues paid
- All players must have signed a HPC release form for this year
- Anyone on horseback must wear a helmet (spareholders, grooms, etc)
- Dogs on leashes at all fields please!
Note: *HPC reserves the right to modify teams in case of last-minute substitutions before Thursday games. The Host Tournament Committee will schedule and assign fields for all tournament games. The HTC will do their best to uphold the draw but reserves the right to modify the draw and schedule in the case of inclement weather or where deemed in the best interest of the tournament by the HTC. Teams may be required to travel to alternate fields in the case of inclement weather.
Semifinal 1:
A. deBoulle (0,1)
B. Downtown Rotary Club (1,0)
Semifinal 2:
C. Bailey Law Firm (0,1)
D. Texas SBA (1,0)
E. Douglas Elliman (0,1)
Thursday November 14
Semifinal 1
Downtown Rotary Club (6) def deBoulle (0)
1:00pm @ HPC - Farish Field
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Semifinal 2 - Round Robin
Texas SBA def Bailey Law Firm def Douglas Elliman
TXSBA (1) def BLF (0)
BLF (2) def DE (1)
TXSBA (2) def DE (1)
2:00pm @ HPC - Farish Field
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Round Robin starts in the order as listed
Winner of the first two chukkers sits
Saturday November 16
Subsidiary Finals Round Robin
deBoulle vs Bailey Law Farm vs Douglas Elliman
BLF (4) def DEB (0)
DE (4) def DEB (0)
DE (1) def BLF (0)
10:00am @ HPC - Flanders
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Round Robin starts in the order as listed
Winner of the first two chukkers sits
Texas SBA (4) def Downtown Rotary Club (0)
11:30am @ HPC - Flanders
Ump: M. Thake
Timer: E. Tooth
Farish Cup Trophy Presentation for ALL TEAMS
12:30pm @ HPC - Flanders
Bailey Law Firm
Becky Schaller Gonzalez
Carlin Saunders
Karrie Yager
Minerva Lemesoff
Eloris Snyder
Holly Vu Fulkerson
Martha Hirsch
Tammy Beeson
Douglas Elliman
Cindy Case
Clare Bogart
Ella Horton
Liz Lary
Downtown Rotary Club
Allison Riordan
Carolyn Stimmel
Olivia Sellers
Stacey Somerville Finger
Texas SBA
Carter Nix
Cindy Madole
Laura Cervantes
Taylor Shell